If you have an interesting project and you are looking for a Professional Web Developer with strong engineering background, take a look at my GitHub Profile, my Codecademy Profile, where I constantly spend my free time sharpening my technological tools, and feel free to contact me.
Below you can see the different technologies I have worked with during my professional life.
JavaScript Unit Testing | Build Tools | Browser Compatibility and Transpilation | Babel | React Router |
Emotion/React | Emotion/React styled components | Expo | Expo GO | Expo Snack |
Expo CLI | Formik | Redux | MobX (Intermediate Level) | ReactJS |
Handlebars.js | JSX | Material-UI | React Testing LIbrary | Mocha |
Jest | Webpack | Webpack Dev Server | Esbuild | Parcel.js |
Vite.js | HTML 5 | SEMANTIC HTML | HTML5 Layout | CSS 3 |
CSS in JS | CSS Modules for React | Semantic CSS | OOCSS (Object-Oriented CSS) | Tailwind (Intermediate Level) |
@font-face | SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS) | SASS | BEM (Block, element, modifier) | Bootstrap 4 |
960 Grid System | Javascript | ES6 | Asynchronous JavaScript | JavaScript Debugging |
TypeScript | DOM Manipulation | jQuery | Web Design | Git, GitHub and Version Control |
Balsamic | XCode | Adobe Color | Cloudflare Design | Color Design |
Ajax | Fetch API | Axios API | Responsive Web Design | MVC Framework |
WordPress | Wix | Component Based Architecture | Entity Relationship Modelling, Object Relational Mapping | W3.CSS |
Ant Design | Refine (Beginner Level) | React-Query (Beginner Level) | LESS (Beginner Level) | Redux-Thunk |
Mock Service Worker | Vue.js | Visual Studio Code | React Developer Tools | Sublime Text |
ESLint | React Starter Kits | Custom Hooks | Nuxt.js | Vuex |
Next.js | D3 | Beautiful Soup | Lodash | Vuetify |
Web Scrapping | Velo by Wix (Beginner Level) | Jekyll | P5.JS | Zustand |
Wretch | Linaria | Sanitize.css | Mantine | ECharts |
React Hook Form | Luxon | JWT Decode | Papaparse |
Node.js | NPM | Express.js | Nodemon | Body Parser |
EJS | REST | APIs | REST API Endpoints | PHP |
MySQL | Supabase | PostgreSQL | Node-Postgres | Python 3 |
Databases | SQL | JSON | MongoDB | Mongoose |
GitHub Pages | Apache | Server Side JavaScript | CRUD | Mongo Atlas |
Robo 3T | Mailchimp | bcrypt | OAuth 2.0 | Advanced CLI |
Bash Command Line | Bash Shell Scripting | Heroku | MongoDB Atlas | Netlify |
Deployment with | Node-SQLite | Flask | GraphQL | RESTful APIs |
Laravel | MERN Stack | Python Requests | Moleculer | Prisma |
TsConfig Paths | Moleculer Web |
Artificial Intelligence
OpenVino | TensorFlow | Pytorch | OpenCV | Numpy |
Pandas | Matplotlib | Transact-SQL | R | Hugging Face |
Generative Artificial Intelligence
MidJourney | OpenAI API | Advanced Prompt Engineering | AIOps | Gemini |
Explainable AI (XAI) | Microsoft 365 Copilot | Microsoft Bing Chat | ChatGPT | LLMS |
GitHub Copilot | Pair Programming with AI |
AWS | Azure | DevOps | Nutanix Hypervisor | Nutanix Prism |
OWASP | Penetration Testing (Beginner Level) | Personal Digital Security (Beginner Level) | Ethical Hacking (Beginner Level) |
Cloud Native Architecture
Docker | Kubernetes |
Programming Languages
JavaScript | TypeScript | Python | C | Go |
C++ | C# (Beginner Level) |
Windows Server | Linux/Unix | Apache |
Code Reviewing Tools
GitHub | Bitbucket | ReviewBoard | GitLab |
Project Management
Asana | Jira | Scrum | PMI | Agile |
Extreme Programming (XP) | Kanban |
Deployment and Development Platforms
Heroku | Render | Netlify |
Mobile Development Skills
React Native | App Inventor |